Any device connected to a network is vulnerable to security breaches. From mobile computers to tablets, today’s hackers can target any networked device…including printers. When left unchecked, unsecured printers can become the perfect gateway into your operation’s sensitive data. A few layers of protection are what protects an efficient printing system from breach disasters such as the mass printer hacking that affected thousands of campuses nationwide. As a matter of fact, the IDC Worldwide Semiannual Security Spending Guide estimated a 38% growth in cybersecurity spending between 2016 and 2020, a nearly $30 billion overall increase.
At the core of your crucial operations, your printers work diligently to secure continuous productivity while creating much-needed identification labels. To put matters into perspective, a broken printer can cost as much as $1,200 per one hour of downtime in a warehouse with approximately 100 employees. The longer the wait time – or the more stagnant workers you have – the costlier more downtime.
AuthorCovington Barcoding Archives
January 2020
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